How to Convert MP4 to 3GP Format?

 Although MP4 format is very common to see in our daily life, it can not be supported by a lot of mobile phones. So if we want to play back MP4 video files through our mobile phones in order that we can enjoy the video files any time any place as we want, we have to convert MP4 to 3GP format. 3GP (3GPP file format) is a multimedia container format defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) for 3G UMTS multimedia services. It is used on 3G mobile phones but can also be played on some 2G and 4G phones.

To convert MP4 to 3GP format, MP4 to 3GP Converter is what we must use. With the help of MP4 to 3GP Converter, the conversion quality can be fully ensured and the conversion speed is very fast. Moreover, MP4 to 3GP Converter can also help us to edit the original MP4 files with adjusting effect, trimming clips, cropping displaying area, joining video clips and adding text/picture watermak.


Main steps of converting MP4 to 3GP format:


Step 1: Free download MP4 to 3GP Converter, install and launch it.

Step 2: Click "Add Video" button to add the MP4 video.

Step 3: Select 3GP from the drop-down list of "Profile".

Step 4: Click button "Browse" to set the destination.

Step 5: Click button "Convert" to start converting MP4 to 3GP format..



Those five steps are all you need to do to convert MP4 to 3GP format. The software also possesses many practical and easy-to-use functions as follows:


1. Edit the original video files

1) Effect

You can click button "Effect" to adjust Brightness, Contrast and Saturation. You can also check "Deinterlacing" checkbox to avoid mosaic and improve the quality of the video.

2) Trim

If you only want to convert a segment of the entire video or do not want to convert some certain segment of the video, you can use the trim function. Click button "Trim" and play the video in the Edit window. You can either drag and or click and to set the start time and the end time of the clip. Besides, there is the third way which is to input the exact start time and end time or one of them and the time duration.

3) Crop

To get rid of the black border or to zoom in some part of the scene, you can click button "Crop" and then drag the yellow frame or adjust the values in the boxes. You can also select "Full Screen", "Keep Original", "16:9" or "4:3" from the drop-down list of "Zoom Mode".

4) Watermark

You can add text or picture watermark to the video.

5) Merge

Select the files you want to join together as a whole file to output from the file list, and then click button "Merge", the merged file will be listed in the file list.



2. Set output parameters

Click button "Settings" then you can set Video Encoder, Video Resolution, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate, Audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Channels, and Audio Bitrate.


3. Preview & Take snapshot

After adding video files, you can preview them in the preview pane and take snapshot of the scenes you like the most of the video freely.