How to Convert MOD to WMV?
In order to make the MOD files we recorded can be played back on various portable media players, we have to convert the MOD files into other video format. To convert MOD files to WMV format, I would like to use MOD to WMV Converter. The conversion speed of this software is fast and i can also choose to convert MOD files into HD WMV format to further improve the output quality. Actually, there are various output fomats for me to choose. Besides, i can use the software to edit the MOD files as i like, such as, trimming video clips, cropping displaying area, adding text watermark, etc.
At the following is the detailed guide telling you how to convert MOD files into WMV format.
If you want to follow the guide to have a try, you can click to free download MOD to WMV Converter here.
Step 1: Click "Add Video" button to add the MOD videos you would like to convert. You can also use the "File" menu or drag files into the interface directly.
You can preview the added MOD file in the preview pane and take snapshot of the scenes you like the most. Click button "Camera" and the picture being displayed will be saved as default format in default folder. Click "Preferences" button to change the format and folder if you need.
Step 2: Open "Profile" drop-down list and select WMV as the output format. Click "Browse" button to specify the destination.
Step 3: Select a MOD video and use "Effect, Trim, Crop" buttons on the tool bar to edit videos as you like.
> Effect
You can click button "Effect" to adjust Brightness, Contrast and Saturation. You can also check "Deinterlacing" checkbox to avoid mosaic and improve the quality of the video.
> Trim
If you only want to convert a segment of the entire video or do not want to convert some certain segment of the video, you can use the trim function. Click button "Trim" and play the video in the Edit window. You can set the start time and the end time of the clip. Besides, you can also input the exact start time and end time or one of them and the time duration.
> Crop
To get rid of the black border or to zoom in some part of the scene, you can click button "Crop" and then drag the yellow frame or adjust the values in the boxes. You can also select "Full Screen", "Keep Original", "16:9" or "4:3" from the drop-down list of "Zoom Mode".
> Watermark
You can add text or picture watermark to the video. Check "Enable Watermark" and then "Text", input what you want to add in the blank. To add picture watermark, you have to check "Picture" and click "Folder" to find the picture in your local disc. Dragging or adjusting the values in the boxes can help you to locate the watermark at the place you prefer.
Step 4: Click "Convert" button to start converting MOD to WMV.
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