How to Convert AVI to iTunes?
As we all know, iTunes plays videos downloaded from the iTunes Store, such as your purchased and rented TV shows and movies and your video podcasts. iTunes also plays QuickTime-compatible files (labeled “.mov” and “.mp4”). So what if we have a AVI file and we need to play back that AVI file with iTunes? Simple! All we need is this professional AVI to iTunes Converter. It is dedicated to convert video files to iTunes compatibel format. It also provides many other powerful funstions, such as, adjusting video effect, trim video clips, crop frame size, join video clips, add watermark, set output parameters, to name just a few. At the following is the guide telling you how to use that AVI to iTunes Converter. Free download one and have a try! You'll find it very helpful.
Step 1: Click "Add Video" button to import AVI videos. You can also use "File" menu.
The software allows you to import several files at a time which can save you much time and energy. The imported files will be listed in the file list. Select one from the file list and then you can preview, edit, and set the output parameters for it. You can set different output formats for different files.
Step 2: Open "Profile" drop-down list and choose proper MOV or MP4 as the output format.
Click "Browse" button to set output path if you do not want to use the default folder to storage the converted files..
Step 3: Select a video and use "Effect, Trim, Crop" buttons on the tool bar to edit it as you like. If you want to join several files, select them from the file list and click the "Merge" button.
Step 4: Click "Convert" button to start converting AVI to iTunes format.
With the above 4 steps finished, you can play back the original AVI files in with iTunes. How convenient and time-saving it is!