NVIDIA® CUDA™ - 6x Conversion speed!
Dedicated to improve user experience all the time, iCoolsoft have devoted much energy to put into use the NVIDIA® CUDA™ techonology for its products. With CUDA, the converting speed will accelerate to 6 times faster. Therefore, much less waiting time for users can be achieved.
Here is a brief introduction for CUDA: CUDA, an acronym of Compute Unified Device Architecture, is a parallel computing architecture developed by NVIDIA. It is the computing engine in NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs) that is accessible to software developers through variants of industry standard programming languages.
As for the practical use, CUDA technology can give us better video (especially high-definition video) encoding and decoding performace - 6 times faster speed is the most direct form of expression. In addition, CUDA-enabled GPU will relieve your CPU from the time-consuming video conversion, so CUDA means not only faster video conversion speed, but also means faster computer processing speed.
In order to make you more clear about this, here gives you a chart which shows the contrast result of our test - use converter with CUDA and converter without CUDA respectively to convert a MTS file to 5 different video formats.
Source file format: MTS(duration: 14mins 1secs; 1092*1080)
Output format: MP4/MKV/MOV/M4V/FLV(codec: H.264; 1092*1080)
PC configuration: Windows 7 Ultimate N; Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q8200 @2.33GHz ; NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT